Decentralized governance holds amazing potential for new experiments in democratic decision-making. DAO tools coming out all carry distinct nuances that make them more or less appropriate to specific use-cases. For SZNS, the use-case focuses on NFT management.
SZNS is excited to partner with the MeebitsDAO to launch a new Album, the MeebitsDAO Pool. The MeebitsDAO is a community vehicle for funding innovative projects that will develop the ecosystem around Meebits. Learn more about the MeebitsDAO via their website:
SZNS is excited to announce a partnership with Commonwealth, a platform for communities formed via SZNS Albums to use for discourse and governance discussions.
Announcing the Launch of DivineDAO and $DIVINE Token Sale on SZNS
SZNS is excited to power the DivineDAO, which seeks to organize a community within the Loot ecosystem. SZNS gives DivineDAO the ability to operate with a DAO framework built on the $DIVINE token, for community governance and management.